Enterprise Server Administration Side Bar Menu

The sidebar appears at the left of the Enterprise Server Administration screen. It contains the folllowing areas and options:


Click this to return to the Home page.


These menu options provide administrative actions. The options that are displayed in this area varies depending on the user's permission level.


Click this to refresh the IP address information cached by your Directory Server. Use this option when the IP address of the machine running your Directory Server changes.

Directory Server uses the IP address to locate the servers that it manages. When the cached IP address is out of date, Directory Server may be unable to connect to its servers and may report inaccurate information to clients.


Click this to show the Export page. This page enables you to save a copy of the whole repository to a location of your choice. This menu option is available only if you logged on with Administrator or Schema Administrator permission level.


Click this to show the Import page. This page enables you to update the repository with additional objects from an import directory. Imported objects can include servers (along with all of their child objects), and Security Manager definitions. This menu option is available only if you logged on with Schema Administrator permission level.

Delete All

Click this to show the Delete confirmation page. This page enables you to confirm that you want the repository to be completely erased and all registered objects to be deleted. This menu item is available only if you logged on with Schema Administrator permission level.


Click this to show the log on page. This menu option is shown only if the session is not currently logged on and the User Access setting on the Options page is "Restricted".


Click this to log off from an administrative session that is currently logged on. There is no log off confirmation. This menu option is shown only if the session is currently logged on and the User Access setting on the Options page is "Restricted".


The heading for the menu option that enables you to configure Directory Server. This menu heading and its associated menu option are available only if you logged on with Administrator permission level or higher.


Click this to show the Directory Server Options page. This page enables you to configure the Directory Server.


Click this to show the pages used for configuring security options.


The heading for menu options that enable you to view information about the state of the Directory Server and about the events that have taken place on the server.


Click this to show the Directories page. This page lists all the instances of Directory Server that are running on the network and using the default Directory Server port (86).


Click this to show the Statistics page. This page shows statistics and status information about Directory Server.


Click this to show the Sessions page. This page shows the list of currently logged on Web browser client sessions, and also any bound program client sessions.


Click this to show the Journal page. This page shows the Directory journal, which is a record of Directory Server activity.

Shut Down

Click this to show the Shut Down confirmation page. This page enables you to shut down the Directory Server. This menu option is available only if you logged on with Schema Administrator permission level This menu option is available only if you logged on with Schema Administrator permission level and Directory Server is not running as a Windows service.


The heading for menu options that enable you to view documentation about the Directory Server and Enterprise Server Administration.

This page

Click this to view help for the page you are currently viewing and for all the controls on the page.


Click this to view the Contents of the Enterprise Server documentation.

This version of the help has not been updated to reflect the latest product changes. For the latest help, go to the Micro Focus Product Documentation site.

For this link to work, you must be using an enterprise server that has a Web listener with the following entry in the [virtual paths] section:

  • For Windows systems:
  • For UNIX systems:

This enterprise server must be started.

The default enterprise server, ESDEMO, has a web listener with this configuration information. When you create a new enterprise server, a Web listener with the required configuration information entry is automatically created.


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