
Specifies the maximum error code level that results in a zero return code from mfplx.


-rc "{0|4|8},0"


Valid values for the maximum error-code level.


-rc "4,0"


The command-line driver mfplx returns 0 upon success and 1 upon failure. If a link is invoked after successful compilation, the mfplx return code is 0 if successful and 1 if failure.

The compiler error code levels and mfplx default return codes are:

Compilation Error Code Level Return Code Description
0 0 No diagnostic messages or I-level ( Informational) only.
4 0 W-level (Warning) diagnostic messages (object code generated)
8 1 E-level (Error) diagnostic messages (object code generated but execution behavior is not defined – the source code is in error and should be corrected)
12 1 S-level (Severe) ) diagnostic messages (object code not generated)
16 1 Compiler Abort