Lists the third-party software you need to install and configure before you can use the .NET feature of Enterprise Developer.

You need .NET 8 SDK to build applications for .NET or the .NET 8 Run-Time System if you only want to run them.

You can install the .NET 8 SDK separately (for example, if you want to use the dotnet CLI command), or obtain the SDK as part of the Visual Studio 2022 installation.

In addition, you must have installed a version of the .NET SDK. You can install .NET SDK 8 by installing Visual Studio's ".NET SDK" component. If you do not have this component installed, you can install it from Visual Studio by clicking Help > Micro Focus Product Help > Install Missing Feature(s) > .NET development .

Operating Systems

The following table shows the architectures and the operating systems to which you can deploy .NET-targeted COBOL applications that you have published using Enterprise Developer. The supported versions of the operating systems are the ones that Enterprise Developer supports:

Operating System Architecture
Amazon Linux 2 x64
Red Hat Enterprise Linux x64
Rocky Linux x64
SUSE Enterprise Linux x64
Ubuntu x64
Windows Client x64
Windows Server x64

The following operating systems are supported by .NET but cannot be used for the deployment of COBOL applications:

  • MacOS
  • Windows containers running under Docker