Extract and Review an XML Representation of a DB2 Schema

Walks you through the process of using the Extract Schema UI tool to download the standard DSN schema from your DB2 database in the form of an XML file that contains its information, and view that file in a text editor.

Extract the DSN schema

Note: To extract CREATE VIEW statements with proper translation when using DB2 for z/OS version 10 and higher, you might need to set the Cast STATEMENT column to VARCHAR during SysViews extract Extract Schema option to True. See the To set HCOSS Options and Options topics for more information.
  1. From the HCO for SQL Server interface, click Extract Schema. This takes you to the Schema Extract tab.
  2. Click New.
  3. In the Schema Extract Name field, type schema-name where schema-name is the DSN schema name for your version of DB2, which varies depending on the version:
    DB2 Version DSN Schema Name
    9 DSN8910
    10 DSN81010
    11 DSN81110
    12 DSN81210
  4. Click OK.
  5. From the DB2 Connection drop-down list, select the DB2 data source that you specified when creating your connection with the Manage Connections tool.

    Depending on your DB2 database connection specifications, you might be prompted for a user ID and password. If so, enter the user ID and password you supplied when creating the DB2 connection.

  6. Click Local. This sets the Extract Schema tool to save the generated schema extract file to the directory specified by the Local HCOSS Directory HCOSS option.
  7. On the Select schema(s) to extract list, check the box that corresponds to the schema that corresponds to your version of DB2.
  8. In the Table Row Count group, select Estimated using schema statistics. This option estimates the table row count based on the most recent statistics available, and returns results faster than the other option, Both Estimated and Actual (COUNT(*)), which additionally performs a COUNT_BIG(*) on the selected table or tables.
  9. Click Extract. This initiates the extract schema process, writing the schema-name.hcodbs XML file, and takes you to the Results tab. Here you can see the results of the extraction.

Review the schema-name.hcodbs File

  1. From the Visual Studio main menu, click Tools > Options > Micro Focus Tools> HCO for SQL Server Tools.
  2. Note the path specification for the Local HCOSS Directory. The default is %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer\hcoss.
  3. In a text editor, open the schema-name.hcodbs file, located in the Schemas subdirectory of your local HCOSS directory.
  4. Review the XML representation of the downloaded schema.
  5. When you have finished looking at the file, close the text editor. Do not save any changes if prompted.