Micro Focus offers two types of installers on UNIX and Linux - a proprietary Micro Focus installer for installing on UNIX and Linux and a standard RPM (RPM Package Manager) installer for installing on Linux.
Before starting the installation, see Software Requirements.
These are the steps to install this product:
chmod +x setup_ent_server_10.0_platform
If you don't run this as superuser, you are prompted to enter the superuser password during the install.
If you set COBDIR to an already installed product, the installer will back up the existing installation and will install this release in the location COBDIR points to. If COBDIR is not set, the installer does a fresh install.
The COBOL run-time is installed by default into /opt/microfocus/EnterpriseDeveloper, (COBDIR).
During the installation process, the installer configures the product's Enterprise Server System Administrator Process User ID. The Process User ID will be the owner of all Enterprise Server processes except the one for the Micro Focus Directory Server (MFDS). The Directory Server process (Enterprise Server Administration) runs as root as this allows it to access the system files and ports.
All Enterprise Server processes you start from Enterprise Server Administration run under the Process User ID which can affects the file access and creation.
You must supply the user ID at the command line - specify -EsadminID=[ ID ] as part of your command.
By default, the installer uses the login id of the user that runs the installer for the Process User ID. To change the user id after you complete the installation, execute $COBDIR/bin/casperm.sh and follow the onscreen instructions.
./setup file -skipautopass
touch /opt/microfocus/licensing/SKIP_AUTOPASS_INSTALL
cd $COBDIR/licensing ./MFLicenseServerInstall.sh force