Remote File Access conversation type

This conversation type is used for Remote File Access (RFA), including any of:

The [Allowed paths] section is required, as RFA will not permit any file access except for paths that are listed under Allowed paths. Other sections are optional.

Micro Focus recommends that customers using RFA consider using the access and allow feature options in the [Security] section to disable any RFA features they do not need, for additional security. The [Denied paths] section is primarily useful to remove access to specific subdirectories under an area that is listed in [Allowed paths], should that be necessary. The remaining options are for convenience or diagnostics.

The RFA connector checks the configuration options when started and when modified. Changes affect current and new conversations.

[Filter Options]
parser trace=yes|no
debug rules=yes|no
idle timeout=seconds
origin check=no|none|loose|strict
allow feature=yes|no
[Allowed Paths]
[Denied Paths]