Using the Docker Demonstrations

Enterprise Developer includes a number of Docker demonstrations that illustrate typical uses of Docker with COBOL applications.

These Docker demonstrations include Dockerfiles and related batch/script files to simplify the process of running them, and this documentation contains descriptions of the files that comprise the Docker demonstrations (including detailed descriptions of the Dockerfiles themselves). After running the Docker demonstrations and reading this documentation to help you familiarize yourself with how the demonstrations work you will have all the information you need to enable you to build and use images for use with your own COBOL applications.

For users of Enterprise Developer for Eclipse:

The Docker demonstrations are supplied in the file which is accessible from the same place that you accessed the Enterprise Developer installation file. Unzip into a folder of your choice to create a series of folders containing the Docker demonstrations.

Each Docker demonstration includes the following:

For users of Enterprise Developer UNIX Components:

The Docker demonstrations are supplied in the file entdev_dockerfiles_4.0_platform.tar which is accessible from the same place that you accessed theEnterprise Developer installation file. Unzip entdev_dockerfiles_4.0_platform.tar into a folder of your choice to create a series of folders containing the Docker demonstrations.

Each Docker demonstration includes the following:

  • A readme.html file that summarizes what it does and explains how to use it.
  • A file to run it. Execute with no parameters for a summary of the parameters that you can specify. More information on the parameters you can specify is provided in Running the Docker Demonstration for the Enterprise Developer Base Image and Running the CICS Docker Demonstration

See Supplied Docker Demonstrations for information on the Docker demonstrations that are available.