Note: This topic does not apply if you are using Enterprise Developer UNIX Components.
- Open the application's project in
Enterprise Developer.
If you are working with one of the Docker demonstrations, they include the relevant project files.
- Create a new debug configuration:
- Click
Run > Debug configurations.
- In the left side pane of the
Debug Configurations dialog box double-click
COBOL Application.
- Change the name from
New_configuration to something relevant to your application.
- In the
Connection Properties section:
- Specify the IP address of the container in the
Remote Host field.
Note: You can specify the container's ID instead of its IP address.
- Check
Specify the port on which the cobdebugremote process will listen on the remote host.
- In the
cobdebugremote port field, specify the port that the container is listening on.
This would be 6100 for the container that would have been started by the
docker run command in
Running a Container that is to be Debugged.
- In the
Main Program section:
- Uncheck
Program is part of project build configuration.
- In the field below, specify the application to be run in the container's Docker working directory.
For example, for the container that would have been started by the
docker run command in
Running a Container that is to be Debugged you would specify the following:
- In the
Debug Options section, ensure that the setting of
Application is 64 bit reflects whether the application to be debugged is 32-bit or 64-bit.
- Click