Drag and Drop Error Messages
Refer to the table below for a list of possible error messages:
MFDAS01: Mainframe access problem.
MFDAS02: Cannot import multiple files to a single file.
MFDAS03: Cannot export multiple files to a single file.
MFDAS04: Module 'MFLSC' is missing or inaccessible.
MFDAS05: File had no length, or does not exist.
MFDAS06: Call to module 'DFCONV' failed. Unable to convert the VSAM/QSAM file.
MFDAS07: Value is not a valid number.
MFDAS08: For VSAM/QSAM files, extensions of PRO, DAT, or IDX are reserved.
MFDAS09: Rename to file failed.
MFDAS10: The allocation of failed with message number.
MFDAS11: The allocation of differs from the mainframe.
MFDAS12: One or more of the fields have not been properly entered.
MFDAS13: The PC file name cannot have more than 4 subdirectory levels.
MFDAS14: Mismatch between new and repeat passwords.
MFDAS15: Unable to make the directory.
MFDAS16: Unable to remove directory.
MFDAS17: Call to module 'PCIMS' failed. Unable to convert the IMS database.
MFDAS18: A catalog search criteria must be entered.
MFDAS19: A real workstation drive must be used.
MFDAS22: Call to module 'SQL-Wizard' failed. Unable to convert the XDB table.
MFDAS23: Cannot establish connection to the mainframe server.
MFDAS24: Network communication problems with blocks of size.
MFDAS25: CCI module was not found.
MFDAS26: Module is not a CCI module.
MFDAS27: Unable to delete file.
MFDAS28: Either recall this dataset or assign a type.
MFDAS29: Assign a type to this dataset.
MFDAS30: The workstation dataset is connected to the mainframe
MFDAS31: Copy of file failed.
MFDAS32: Paste of file failed.
MFDAS33: PCIMS is not available. Unable to convert the IMS database
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Drag and Drop