As with JCL, execution of the jobs requires a previously configured Micro Focus enterprise server.
If the enterprise server is not yet started, you need to start it as follows:
If the tab is not visible, click Micro Focus > Server Explorer and then click OK.
. SelectWait until the server has started. In the list of servers in Server Explorer, BANKDEMO still has a red square next to it. This is a refresh delay.
The CICS application requires that you use a 3270 terminal emulator. The installation of Enterprise Developer includes the Micro Focus Rumba emulator. Rumba is available as a standalone application, Rumba Desktop, and is also available as a TN3270 Mainframe Display embedded within the IDE. As part of this tutorial, you are going to use the embedded display to run the application.
To check the IDE preferences and ensure that the embedded Rumba display is selected:
This opens the Rumba Mainframe Display view and automatically establishes a 3270 terminal connection to the BANKDEMO server. You can see the starting page of the ES/MTO region BANKDEMO.
A suitable User Id is b0001. You can type anything as a Password - the field must not be empty though.
If the Rumba Mainframe Display view disconnects from the server, you can connect again manually as follows:
This connects the display to the Bankdemo server and loads the start screen of the application.
You can stop the Bankdemo server from within Server Explorer. You can leave it running though, if you wish to continue this tutorial.