Conversion Tool Messages

Describes the messages that are related to the Conversion tool.

Message Description or Cause Resolution
Check: In doubt Dynamic SQL Generated by all EXEC SQL PREPARE statements encountered. Check the dynamic SQL statement that is prepared and manually convert to T-SQL as appropriate if using code conversion. This is not necessary if using HCOSS as HCOSS converts the dynamic SQL to TSQL at runtime when it is prepared.
Check: In doubt CALL (parameter direction needs checking) Generated by all EXEC SQL CALL statements encountered. Check the code only if you are converting the code using the Conversion tool. When the code is compiled using the HCOSS DIALECT SQL directive option, HCOSS handles this code correctly at runtime.
Error: Statement not recognized by HCOSS DB2 parser Generated by any statement that the HCOSS parser fails to recognized as valid DB2 SQL. The original SQL DB2 statement could be problematic (such as a typo), or uses a DB2 feature not currently supported by HCOSS. If the error was caused by a typo, fix the code manually.
Error: Unsupported HCOSS statement option Generated by SQL DB2 statements that use a DB2 feature uses a DB2 feature not currently supported by HCOSS None.
Note: Only supported with SQL Server when using HCOSS directive SQL(DIALECT=MAINFRAME) Generated by statements that use
SET :host variable


VALUES INTO :hostvariable
Compile your project using the DIALECT=MAINFRAME SQL directive option.
Note: Only supported with SQL Server when using HCOSS SQL(DIALECT=MAINFRAME) runtime support Generated by statements that use a rowset cursor, or a stored procedure result set. Compile your project using the DIALECT=MAINFRAME SQL directive option.
Note: Only supported with SQL Server when using HCOSS directive SQL(DBRMLIB) Generated by statements that use


Compile your project using the DIALECT=MAINFRAME and DBRMLIB SQL directive options.
Note: Successfully remediated by HCOSS syntax conversion Generated by statements that are recognized and processed successfully. None.