MFCWD06000 - MFCWD06019
MFCWD06001E Syntax error
MFCWD06002E Invalid command
MFCWD06003E End of line or ; expected
MFCWD06004E Missing argument(s)
MFCWD06005E Missing close quote
MFCWD06006E Missing right bracket
MFCWD06007E Duplicate action list
MFCWD06008E Conflicting or duplicate keyword
MFCWD06009E Attempt to define too many macros
MFCWD06010E Undefined macro
MFCWD06011E Macro name or action too long
MFCWD06012E Macros nested too deep
MFCWD06013E Quoted string constants are not allowed
MFCWD06014E = expected.
MFCWD06015E Illegal dimension on array or simple var ref
MFCWD06016E Array index out of range
MFCWD06017E Must specify pid no and filename to attach to.
MFCWD06018E Log file must be specified.
MFCWD06019E Integer expected.
Parent topic:
MFCWD - PL/I Debugger Messages