MFCWD06080 - MFCWD06099
MFCWD06080E Too many breakpoints.
MFCWD06081E Error setting breakpoint.
MFCWD06082E Error clearing breakpoint.
MFCWD06083E Invalid conversion
MFCWD06084E Ambiguous ENTRY name.
MFCWD06085E Ambiguous LABEL name.
MFCWD06086E Unknown %%REPLACE value.
MFCWD06087E Undefined variable or built-in function
MFCWD06088E Too many arguments and/or subscripts.
MFCWD06089E Cannot find local base address.
MFCWD06090E Attempt to evaluate a type.
MFCWD06091E [STB] bad storage class.
MFCWD06092E Non-BASED variable does not take a locator.
MFCWD06093E PROCEDURE inactive when looking for AUTOMATIC variable.
MFCWD06094E BASED variable requires locator.
MFCWD06095E Locator must be of type POINTER.
MFCWD06096E Constant name not LABEL, ENTRY, or EXTERNAL ENTRY.
MFCWD06097E Defined variable requires locator.
MFCWD06098E Compiler error - level 1 member found.
MFCWD06099E PROCEDURE inactive when looking for parameter
Parent topic:
MFCWD - PL/I Debugger Messages