MFCWD06100 - MFCWD06119
MFCWD06100E Value parameter not found.
MFCWD06101E Parameter POINTER not found.
MFCWD06102E EXTERNAL variable not found in map.
MFCWD06103E Subscript out of range
MFCWD06104E Cannot perform a CALL with no execution point defined.
MFCWD06105E Arguments given to non-ENTRY.
MFCWD06106E Not enough arguments for PROCEDURE call.
MFCWD06107E Array cannot be partially subscripted.
MFCWD06108E Subscript range not valid.
MFCWD06109E Array or STRUCTURE cannot be passed by value.
MFCWD06110E Cannot allocate byte-count bytes for CALL argument argument-number.
MFCWD06111E Too many arguments and/or subscripts.
MFCWD06112E Too many arguments for PROCEDURE call.
MFCWD06113E PROCEDURE does not return a value.
MFCWD06114E Variable reference required.
MFCWD06115E Specified activation does not exist.
MFCWD06116E Cannot find local base address.
MFCWD06117E Not enough arguments to PROCEDURE.
MFCWD06118E Unsupported value node opcode opcode-value.
MFCWD06119E Unknown PROCEDURE name.
Parent topic:
MFCWD - PL/I Debugger Messages