MFCWD06140 - MFCWD06159
MFCWD06140E PEEK failed.
MFCWD06141E Command not implemented.
MFCWD06142E Statement name nesting too deep.
MFCWD06143E No execution environment
MFCWD06144E PROCEDURE has no name?
MFCWD06145E Cannot find PROCEDURE symbol node.
MFCWD06146E Cannot handle value with length length-value.
Length must be greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to 32767.
MFCWD06147E Environment stack overflow.
MFCWD06148E Missing operand.
MFCWD06149E No expression to evaluate.
MFCWD06150E Expression stack overflow.
MFCWD06151E Tag name for this type not known in this environment.
MFCWD06152E Name not known in this environment.
MFCWD06153E Operands must both be of COMPLEX type.
MFCWD06154E Operand must be arithmetic.
MFCWD06155E Unhandled type on FSIGN_OP.
MFCWD06156E Operand must be BIT string.
MFCWD06157E Incompatible types in comparison
MFCWD06158E Both types must be CHARACTER
MFCWD06159E Illegal operator for CHARACTER arguments
Parent topic:
MFCWD - PL/I Debugger Messages