MFCWD06160 - MFCWD06179
MFCWD06160E Unary + and - only on numeric types
MFCWD06161E Attempt to change type on expression
MFCWD06162E String expression required
MFCWD06163E Numeric expression required
MFCWD06164E in expression
MFCWD06165E No environment defined.
MFCWD06166E Symbol is not a label constant
MFCWD06167E Subscript required on label array.
MFCWD06168E Subscript invalid on label constant.
MFCWD06169E Cannot find local base address.
MFCWD06170E [STB] Label not associated with any code.
MFCWD06171E Label array element not found.
MFCWD06172E Label not found
MFCWD06173E Labels numbers not valid in this environment.
MFCWD06174E Statement ID must be 0 to 32767.
MFCWD06175E Cannot evaluate variable size parameter here (STEP & try again).
MFCWD06176E No execution point defined.
MFCWD06177E Invalid GOTO format.
MFCWD06179E Invalid non-local GOTO format.
Parent topic:
MFCWD - PL/I Debugger Messages