MFCWD06200 - MFCWD06219
MFCWD06200E Watchpoint not found for insert-name.
MFCWD06201E REF Node not available for Watched variable.
MFCWD06202E Bad value to FNDNOD - insert-name.
MFCWD06203E Error reading user memory while handling watchpoint.
MFCWD06204E No activation for (non-debug) frame.
MFCWD06205E Cannot clear breakpoint
MFCWD06206E Cannot clear internal breakpoint
MFCWD06207E Cannot reset breakpoint
MFCWD06208E Cannot allocate space for CALL return value.
MFCWD06209E Cannot write breakpoint for CALL.
MFCWD06210E Cannot write argument # argument-number for CALL.
MFCWD06211E Cannot write return address for CALL.
MFCWD06212E CALL failed.
MFCWD06213E Cannot read CALL return value.
MFCWD06214E Cannot read return value address.
MFCWD06215E Cannot read return value.
MFCWD06216E Cannot write return value.
MFCWD06217E Run time support (breakpoint) not found for CALL.
MFCWD06218E Variable declared but not used. Cannot EVALUATE or TYPE.
MFCWD06219E Cannot pass intrinsic to PROCEDURE or function call.
Parent topic:
MFCWD - PL/I Debugger Messages