MFCWD06260 - MFCWD06279
MFCWD06260W unfreed values
MFCWD06261W CALL argument passed by value
MFCWD06262E Cannot find variable in the symbol table
MFCWD06263W STEP returning to non-DEBUG routine
MFCWD06264E insert-name only allows %%ENTRY statement for non-debug routine
MFCWD06265E Line line-number extends beyond all PROCEDUREs
MFCWD06266S XALLOC should never be called
MFCWD06267S XWRTSP should never be called
MFCWD06268W Bit OFFSET in POINTERs not supported
MFCWD06269I Initializing EXTERNAL symbol table
MFCWD06270I Done Initializing EXTERNAL symbol table
MFCWD06271S Initializing EXTERNAL symbol table (error error-number)
MFCWD06272I Looking for known RTS symbols
MFCWD06273I Done Looking for known RTS symbols
MFCWD06274I Reading object module header
MFCWD06275E Cannot read object file header [error error-number]
MFCWD06276I Reading global info header
MFCWD06277E Cannot read global data header [error error-number]
MFCWD06278W Object module modified by Apollo-DEBUG
MFCWD06279E Not an executable object file
Parent topic:
MFCWD - PL/I Debugger Messages