MFCWD06600 - MFCWD06619
MFCWD06606E End of linked list.
MFCWD06607E Attempt to dereference a NULL POINTER.
MFCWD06608I Break (interrupts call) at insert-name
MFCWD06609I Continued out of CALL. Execution now at insert-name
MFCWD06610I **Warning** No upper bound was specified for a pointer or array dimension with undeclared bounds. Zero was assumed.
MFCWD06611E Cannot locate this symbol in the current environment.
MFCWD06612E Cannot locate this symbol in any visible environment.
MFCWD06613E Cannot locate this symbol in any environment.
MFCWD06614I Symbol defined in non-debug module.
MFCWD06615E Invalid font size specified.
MFCWD06618E Expressions involving array slices are not allowed.
MFCWD06619I Program stopped at exit point.
Parent topic:
MFCWD - PL/I Debugger Messages