MFCWD06640 - MFCWD06659
MFCWD06640W Function-returning-array is an illegal construct.
MFCWD06641E Use only letters: 'p', 'r', 'm', 'a', 'f', 'v', or 'c'.
MFCWD06642E Cannot attach to process process-name (errno = error-number).
MFCWD06643I Attaching to process process-name.
MFCWD06644E FINENT failed with RET = return-value.
MFCWD06645E FINMOD failed with STATUS = status-value.
MFCWD06646I [ -pid process-id ]
MFCWD06647E Illegal register name 'register-name'.
MFCWD06648I During the demo we are going to restrict you to just SELECTing Continue. At the END, you will have a chance to work with the debugger interactively. If you would like to PROCeed directly to this stage now, SELECT PauseDemo.
MFCWD06651E Cannot read memory at memory-location.
MFCWD06652I [ -core corefile ]
MFCWD06653I Cannot open core file "file-name".
MFCWD06654I CodeWatch setting up "insert-name" (core file is "file-name"). Wait...
MFCWD06655I CodeWatch setting up [no executable] (core file is "file-name"). Wait...
MFCWD06656W Error reading core file "file-name".
MFCWD06657W Core file "file-name" is an unsupported revision.
MFCWD06658W Core file "file-name" does not match "insert-name". Ignoring core file...
MFCWD06659W Program blew up due to signal #insert-name (insert-name).
Parent topic:
MFCWD - PL/I Debugger Messages