MFPLI00080 - MFPLI00099
MFPLI00080S Unrecognizable condition prefix name.
MFPLI00081S A complex arithmetic value is required by this statement, but a noncomputational value has been used. It cannot be converted.
MFPLI00082S Invalid syntax in this statement. A token-name was found where another token was expected.
MFPLI00083S Invalid syntax in this statement. A keyword-name keyword was not found in the expected position.
MFPLI00084S Invalid conversion. Noncomputational data cannot be converted to string or arithmetic data.
MFPLI00085S A STRUCTURE qualified reference to "identifier-name" cannot be resolved to any declaration known to this block.
MFPLI00086S A locator-qualified reference to "identifier-name" cannot be resolved to any declaration known to this block.
MFPLI00087S A STRUCTURE qualified reference contains more than 15 qualifying names.
MFPLI00088S A PROCEDURE reference contains more than 64 arguments.
MFPLI00089S The scale-factor specified in a conversion built-in function exceeds the implementation's limit.
MFPLI00090W The undeclared name "identifier-name" has been declared with the default type as a variable in the current PROCEDURE.
MFPLI00091S "variable-name" is a non-BASED variable referenced with a locator qualifier.
MFPLI00092S "variable-name" is a BASED variable referenced without a locator qualifier.
MFPLI00093S The base-reference declared for "array-name" contains more * subscripts than this reference has subscripts. This reference cannot be mapped into a valid reference to the base-variable.
MFPLI00094W "argument-name" has been passed via a dummy argument because its attributes did not match those of the corresponding parameter. Enclose the argument in parentheses to suppress this warning.
MFPLI00095S "entry-name" has been referenced with too many arguments.
MFPLI00096S "array-name" has been referenced with too many subscripts.
MFPLI00097S The precision arguments of BINARY, DECIMAL, FIXED, FLOAT, DIVIDE, MULTIPLY, ADD, and SUBTRACT built-in functions must be decimal integer constants.
MFPLI00098S "entry-name" has been referenced with an argument list which is incompatible with its declaration. An empty argument list is required to satisfy the declaration.
MFPLI00099S This statement contains inconsistent FILE description attributes.
Parent topic:
MFPLI - PL/I Compiler Messages