MFPLI00180 - MFPLI00199
MFPLI00180S The FROM option must be specified on a WRITE or REWRITE statement.
MFPLI00181S Declaration of "insert-name" exceeds the nesting limit for the use of TYPE. Redeclare this variable (or one of the variables on which it depends) without using TYPE.
MFPLI00182S The typed variable "insert-name" can only have those members which it inherits from the type definition. Additional substructures or members cannot be added to the created STRUCTURE.
MFPLI00183S "insert-name" is declared with TYPE(x) but "x" does not resolve to a declaration of a variable. A type definition cannot be a parameter, a built-in function, or a named constant (such as FILE, ENTRY, or LABEL).
MFPLI00184S "insert-name" is declared with the TYPE attribute; TYPE must not be used with any of: PICTURE, FIXED, FLOAT, BINARY, DECIMAL, CHARACTER, BIT, ALIGNED, VARYING, POINTER, ENTRY, LABEL, FILE, or UNION.
MFPLI00185S "insert-name" is declared as TYPE(x) and with dimensions; the declaration with TYPE or the type definition "x" can be an array, but not both.
MFPLI00186S "insert-name" is declared as TYPE(x), but "x" is also declared with TYPE. A declaration used as a type definition cannot itself use the TYPE attribute (its members can use TYPE, however).
MFPLI00187S The declaration of "insert-name" is part of a circular use of the TYPE attribute. The declaration either directly or indirectly depends on itself. The type dependency graph must be a "tree".
MFPLI00188S "insert-name" is declared as TYPE(x) but "x" is a POINTER qualified or subscripted reference. The reference to the type definition in a TYPE attribute must not be POINTER qualified or subscripted.
MFPLI00189S "insert-name" is declared with the TYPE attribute but the type definition uses a non-constant extent for a string length or an array bound.
MFPLI00190S "insert-name" has been declared as TYPE(x) but "x" has not been declared. The declaration has been left without a data type.
MFPLI00191S Excess initial values have been specified for "insert-name".
MFPLI00192S Incomplete attributes have been specified for "insert-name".
MFPLI00193S "insert-name" is declared as TYPE(x), but "x" is a member of a STRUCTURE declared with TYPE. A type definition must not be a member of a STRUCTURE declared with TYPE.
MFPLI00194S An array bound, string length, repeat factor or OFFSET was specified with an invalid constant. A value of 1 is being supplied.
MFPLI00195S "insert-name" has been declared with a length greater than 32767. A length of 32767 has been supplied.
MFPLI00196S "insert-name" has been declared with an invalid iteration factor. The iteration factor must be an integer value between 1 and 2**31. An iteration factor of 1 has been supplied.
MFPLI00197S "insert-name" has been declared with a nonconstant initial value. STATIC variables must have constant initial values.
MFPLI00198S "insert-name" has been declared with an INITIAL attribute containing more than 32 levels of nesting.
MFPLI00199S The INITIAL value specified for "insert-name" exceeds the implementation limit.
Parent topic:
MFPLI - PL/I Compiler Messages