MFPLI00340 - MFPLI00359
MFPLI00340E function-name is function without a RETURN statement.
MFPLI00341W A previous non-qualified declaration has the same name as STRUCTURE member insert-name.
MFPLI00342W A previous declaration of a STRUCTURE member has the same name as this declaration of insert-name.
MFPLI00343E The precision and/or scale of insert-name is not large enough to accept the assigned constant. Expect a loss of digits.
MFPLI00344I Open PL/I does not support scaled FIXED BINARY; the DIVIDE operator applied to fixed binary values produces a scaled DECIMAL result. Use the DIVIDE built-in to avoid this message.
MFPLI00345S The letter insert-name is an unsupported or illegal string constant suffix character.
MFPLI00346S "insert-name" has been declared without a data type. NOLAXDCL is in effect.
MFPLI00347S The name "insert-name" is undeclared. NOLAXDCL is in effect.
MFPLI00348S Assignment of STRUCTUREs is only valid if both sides of the assignment have identical shape.
MFPLI00349W insert-name in the STRUCTURE assignment has shorter length than the source.
MFPLI00350S Assignment of arrays is only valid if both sides of the assignment have identical bounds, size, and type.
MFPLI00351S An array bound of insert-name could not be evaluated as a restricted expression at compile-time. STATIC arrays must have a constant size.
MFPLI00352W The HEX built-in will present STRUCTUREs in native storage order.
MFPLI00353S Only ENTRY constants are FETCHABLE.
MFPLI00354S RELEASE requires a FETCHABLE ENTRY constant.
MFPLI00355S FETCH SET (ref) requires a POINTER reference.
MFPLI00356S The number of digits in a Wx or Gx string constant should be a multiple of 4.
MFPLI00357W A function call with no arguments is assumed for "insert-name".
MFPLI00358W An ENTRY assignment is assumed for "insert-name"; use parentheses () with an empty argument list if CALL function returning ENTRY is intended.
MFPLI00359I Only the current generation of "insert-name" will be passed as a non-CONTROLLED variable reference.
Parent topic:
MFPLI - PL/I Compiler Messages