MFPLI10000 - MFPLI10019
MFPLI10001E This statement contains an unsupported condition "condition-name".
MFPLI10002E This statement contains an unsupported condition prefix "condition-name".
MFPLI10003E EVENT option not supported.
Multitasking not supported.
MFPLI10004E TASK option not supported.
Multitasking not supported.
MFPLI10005E PRIORITY option not supported.
Multitasking not supported.
MFPLI10006S DISPLAY statement not supported.
This message should never appear.
MFPLI10007E COPY option not supported.
The COPY option on a GET statement is not supported.
MFPLI10008E DATA option not supported. The DATA option in this I/O statement has been simulated using the LIST option.
MFPLI10009S LOCATE statement not supported.
Locate mode output not supported.
MFPLI10010E REPLY option not supported.
This message should never appear.
MFPLI10011E SNAP option not supported.
This message should never appear.
MFPLI10012E BACKWARDS attribute not supported.
BACKWARDS files used for datasets on magnetic tape are not supported.
MFPLI10013E EXCLUSIVE attribute not supported.
EXCLUSIVE files are not supported.
MFPLI10014E TRANSIENT attribute not supported.
TRANSIENT files used for teleprocessing applications are not supported.
MFPLI10015E BACKWARDS option not supported.
BACKWARDS files used for datasets on magnetic tape are not supported.
MFPLI10016E EXCLUSIVE option not supported.
EXCLUSIVE files are not supported.
MFPLI10017E TRANSIENT option not supported.
TRANSIENT files used for teleprocessing applications are not supported.
MFPLI10018E NOLOCK option not supported.
EXCLUSIVE files are not supported.
MFPLI10019S UNLOCK statement not supported.
EXCLUSIVE files are not supported.
Parent topic:
MFPLI - PL/I Compiler Messages