MFPLI10020 - MFPLI10039
MFPLI10020S WAIT statement not supported.
Multitasking is not supported.
MFPLI10021E EVENT attribute not supported.
Multitasking is not supported.
MFPLI10022E TASK attribute not supported.
Multitasking is not supported.
MFPLI10023E GENERIC attribute not supported.
Selection between entries depending on the attributes of the arguments is not supported.
MFPLI10024E GRAPHIC attribute not supported.
This message should never appear.
MFPLI10025E COMPLEX attribute not supported.
COMPLEX number processing is not supported.
MFPLI10026S ALLOCATE for CONTROLLED variables with attribute not supported.
This message should never appear.
MFPLI10027S BINARY fixed point data not supported.
This message should never appear.
MFPLI10028S BINARY floating point data not supported.
This message should never appear.
MFPLI10029S X(Hex) constants not supported.
This message should never appear.
MFPLI10030S BX(Bit Hex) constants not supported.
This message should never appear.
MFPLI10032S A NONCONNECTED array reference used as an argument that is passed by-reference to a parameter that has constant extents is not yet supported; argument number argument-number.
A NONCONNECTED array reference used as an argument can only be passed by-reference to a parameter with adjustable extents.
MFPLI10033S M(Mixed) constants not supported.
Constants containing a mixture of single and double-byte characters are not supported.
MFPLI10034S FIXED BINARY with nonzero scale-factor not supported. A zero scale-factor has been supplied for "variable-name".
FIXED BINARY variables can only be integers and so cannot have a nonzero scale-factor.
MFPLI10035S VARYING BIT strings not supported. VARYING attribute in the declaration of "variable-name" has been ignored.
Only CHARACTER or GRAPHIC string variables may be declared VARYING.
MFPLI10036S DIM, LBOUND or HBOUND built-ins with expression arguments not supported.
The 2nd arguments to these built-in functions must be integer constants.
MFPLI10037S Array arguments with non-matching types not supported. Attributes of array "array-name" did not match those of the corresponding parameter.
This message should never appear.
MFPLI10038S PICTURE symbols (E, F, and K) not supported.
E and K picture characters for exponent fields in floating point decimal numbers and F picture characters for scaling factors in fixed point decimal numbers not yet supported.
MFPLI10039S C-FORMAT item not supported.
COMPLEX number processing is not supported.
Parent topic:
MFPLI - PL/I Compiler Messages