MFPLI10080 - MFPLI10099
MFPLI10080S ENVIRONMENT option GRAPHIC not supported.
MFPLI10081S ENVIRONMENT option CTL360 not supported.
MFPLI10082S ENVIRONMENT option PASSWORD not supported.
MFPLI10083S ENVIRONMENT option NCP not supported.
Multitasking is not supported.
MFPLI10084S POINTER operations not supported.
This message should never appear.
MFPLI10085S Arrays containing CHAR VARYING data items when applied as the argument to the STRING pseudovariable is not yet supported.
Only arrays of CHARACTER strings that are non-varying may be assigned using the STRING pseudovariable.
MFPLI10086E Structure expressions not supported.
This message should never appear.
MFPLI10087E (NO)CHECK condition prefix not supported.
MFPLI10088E (NO)CONVERSION condition prefix not supported.
The CONVERSION condition prefix is now supported.
MFPLI10089E (NO)FIXEDOVERFLOW condition prefix not supported.
The FIXEDOVERFLOW condition prefix is now supported.
MFPLI10090E (NO)OVERFLOW condition prefix not supported.
The OVERFLOW condition prefix is now supported.
MFPLI10091E (NO)UNDERFLOW condition prefix not supported.
The UNDERFLOW condition prefix is now supported.
MFPLI10092E (NO)ZERODIVIDE condition prefix not supported.
The ZERODIVIDE condition prefix is now supported.
MFPLI10093E (NO)SIZE condition prefix not supported.
This message should never appear.
MFPLI10094E (NO)STRINGRANGE condition prefix not supported.
This message should never appear.
MFPLI10095E (NO)STRINGSIZE condition prefix not supported.
This message should never appear.
MFPLI10096E (NO)SUBSCRIPTRANGE condition prefix not supported.
This message should never appear.
MFPLI10097E CHECK condition not supported.
MFPLI10098E NAME condition not supported.
MFPLI10099E PENDING condition not supported.
TRANSIENT files used for teleprocessing applications are not supported.
Parent topic:
MFPLI - PL/I Compiler Messages