MPLIE00020 - MPLIE00039
MPLIE00020W Option "%1$s" has invalid numeric argument(s).
MPLIE00021W Option "%1$s" has argument(s) that are invalid or out of range.
MPLIE00022W Option "%1$s" must have its argument enclosed in quotes.
MPLIE00023W Option "%1$s" has incorrect length argument.
MPLIE00024W Option "%1$s" has invalid argument.
MPLIE00025W Option PP specifies more than %1$s preprocessor. Excess ignored.
MPLIE00026W Option PP specifies more than %1$s characters for a Preprocessor options. Excess ignored.
MPLIE00027W Warnings have been issued during initialization (FERC=%1$s).
MPLIE00028S Run-time APIs > %1$s. Contact Micro Focus Support.
MPLIE00029S Run-time API "%2$s" has > %1$s arguments. Contact Micro Focus Support.
MPLIE00030W An END statement has been generated to close an open DO, SELECT, BEGIN, or PROCEDURE group/block.
MPLIE00031E Lower array bound specification for "%1$s" will likely produce incorrect results. Use of such arrays with SQL not recommended.
MPLIE00032E Number of dimensions for "%1$s" is > 1. First dimension used.
MPLIE00033S END statement label "%1$s" does not match any open labeled DO, SELECT, BEGIN, or PROCEDURE statement. Outermost procedure closed.
MPLIE00035S Statement has too many tokens. Contact Micro Focus Support.
MPLIE00036E Output def file cannot be created. Make sure the directory exists and attributes are correct.
MPLIE00037S Severe errors have been detected during initialization (FERC=%1$s). Correct the errors and retry.
MPLIE00038S < 2 command parameters specified. Input and output filenames are required.
MPLIE00039I Language element modified.
Parent topic:
MPLIE - PL/I CICS, SQL, DLI, and INCLUDE Preprocessor and PL/I Source Conversion Tool Messages