mfhco create db=databasename [coll=collsequence] [log=logfilename] [drv=driveletter] [id=logon-id] [pass=password] [srvr=nodename] [lctn={L | R}]
cobmfhco create db=databasename [coll=collsequence] [log=logfilename] [id=logon-id] [pass=password] [srvr={nodename | db2instancename}] [lctn={L | R}]
databasename | Specifies the name of the new database. |
collsequence | If specified, must be the default value MFD. This ensures that the environment variable MFCODESET is used. |
logfilename | The name of the log file in which to capture output information. The default value is createdb.log. |
driveletter (applies to Windows environments only) | The drive letter to create local database on. |
logon-id | The logon ID required to connect to the server where the database is to reside. |
password | The password required to connect to the server where the database is to reside. |
nodename | For databases on a remote server, the cataloged DB2 node name for that server. |
db2instancename(applies to UNIX environments only) | For databases on a local server, the default DB2 instance name specified by the DB2INSTANCE environment variable. |
L | Indicates that the database location is a local server. Default. |
R | Indicates that the database location is a remote server. |
mfhco create db=test drv=ecreates a database named test on drive e using the default Enterprise Server EBCDIC collating sequence.
cobmfhco create db=test srvr=db2inst1creates a database named test using the default Enterprise Developer EBCDIC collating sequence in the DB2 instance db2inst1.