CASSI1804I Dynamic debugger attach failed. Reason = An attempt to start a remote debug session has failed. The reason indicates the return code from the spawning of the animserv
or cobremotedaemon process.
CASSI1810W Dynamic debugger port retrieval failed An attempt to start a dynamic debug session has failed. The ES Console Daemon could not retrieve the port number of the cobdebugremote
process. A likely cause is that the cobdebugremote process failed to start correctly.
CASSI1839S Error config-error-code processing configuration file An error occurred when processing the configuration file. Possible values of config-error-code are: 09 - TXDIR invalid
10 - Region files directory (~files/reg) does not exist 11 - Error loading dfh0msg 12 - Error loading
dfh0utl? 13 - Error loading dfhextfh.