CASRA0150 - CASRA0159
CASRA0150E Invalid value in EXPIRYINTMIN field
The value entered in the EXPIRYINTMIN field is incorrect. Accepted values are: 0 or a number < 15001.
CASRA0151E Invalid value in RECOVERY field
The value entered in the RECOVERY field is incorrect. Accepted values are: YES | NO.
CASRA0152E Invalid values in POOLNAME field
The value entered in the POOLNAME field are incorrect. Accepted values are: A-Z 0-9 $ @ # _.
CASRA0153E Invalid values in REMOTESYSTEM field
The value entered in the REMOTESYSTEM field are incorrect. Accepted values are: A-Z 0-9 $ @ #.
CASRA0154E Invalid values in REMOTEPREFIX field
The value entered in the REMOTEPREFIX field are incorrect. Accepted values are: A-Z a-z 0-9 $ @ # . / - + _ % & ? ! : | " = ¬ , ; < >.
CASRA0155E Invalid values in XREMOTEPFX field
The value entered in the XREMOTEPFX field are incorrect. Accepted values are up to 32 characters in HEX.
CASRA0156E Invalid values in SECURITY field
The value entered in the SECURITY field are incorrect. Accepted values are YES or NO.
CASRA0157E Option conflicts with an other option and is ignored
The specified option conflicts with an other one.
CASRA0158E REMOTEPREFIX and PREFIX must be the same length
The length of the value entered in the REMOTEPREFIX does not match the length of the value entered in PREFIX.
CASRA0159E REMOTEPREFIX and XPREFIX must be the same length
The length of the value entered in the REMOTEPREFIX does not match the length of the value entered in XPREFIX.
Parent topic:
CASRA Error Messages