MFPLI01220 - MFPLI01239
MFPLI01220S When array cross-sections are used within expressions or an assignment, all cross-sections must have exactly the same bound for each dimension. A lower bound differs in this expression.
MFPLI01221S When array cross-sections are used within expressions or an assignment, all cross-sections must have exactly the same bound for each dimension. An upper bound differs in this expression.
MFPLI01222S Array cross-sections are not allowed as arguments to built-in functions.
MFPLI01223S OPTIONS(MAIN) is only valid in a PROCEDURE statement.
MFPLI01224E Duplicate OPTIONS(MAIN) encountered; this one has been ignored.
MFPLI01225E An escape sequence starts at the end of a string. The escape will be ignored. Note that backslash cannot be used to escape a single quote; use two single quotes to include one quote in the string.
MFPLI01226E Undefined escape sequence. The backslash will be ignored.
MFPLI01227W Argument number argument-number is being passed via a dummy argument; an argument being passed BYVALUE should be a scalar of type FIXED BIN, FLOAT BIN, ENTRY LIMITED, PTR, CHAR or BIT, each having a storage requirement of length-limit-bytes or less.
MFPLI01228S The dynamic setting of the RECSIZE(n) attribute for $ is not supported.
MFPLI01229E A hexadecimal escape sequence is not followed by any hexadecimal digits.
MFPLI01230S Unable to open file insert-name
MFPLI01231E The value of this escape sequence is too large.
MFPLI01232E The %%ONCE statement has no arguments and must appear only once in an include file.
MFPLI01233E insert-name is a conflicting storage class and is ignored.
MFPLI01234E The bounds of an array parameter must be specified by constants or asterisks. A constant 1 has been supplied.
MFPLI01235S The size of insert-name could not be evaluated at compile-time. STATIC variables must have constant size.
MFPLI01236S Invalid syntax in this statement. A character value of insert-name outside the ASCII range of 0-127 was found unexpectedly. Check for EBCDIC source characters.
MFPLI01237S Invalid syntax in this statement. A character value of insert-name was found unexpectedly.
MFPLI01238E The parameter insert-name has star extents which conflicts with OPTIONS(NODESCRIPTOR); ignoring the nodescriptor attribute.
MFPLI01239U Unrecoverable error. Exception in insert-name.
Parent topic:
MFPLI - PL/I Compiler Messages