Delete Old Logs (Recovery)

If you want to issue the ROLLFORWARD command to initiate location recovery, you must set the bDeleteOldLogs parameter to 0 (off).

To set the parameter (Windows):

  1. Click the Logging tab within the XDB Server Configuration Utility.
  2. Turn Recovery on.

See the section Media Failure Recovery and the SQL Reference for information about the ROLLFORWARD command.

Run-time or mission-critical XDB Servers should always run with recovery turned on (bDeleteOldLogs=0).

Set bDeleteOldLogs to 1 (on) to allow developers to automatically delete location log files not needed for transient system failure recovery from the hard disk. Even with bDeleteOldLogs set to 1 (on), the server will recover to a logically consistent state after a transient system failure, such as terminating abnormally due to a power loss, or operating system failure. The logging system always preserves the last transaction.

To set the parameter (Windows):

  1. Click the Logging tab within the XDB Server Configuration Utility.
  2. Turn Recovery off.