Configuring the SEP Endpoint for the Dispatcher

You can configure the SEP endpoint used by the dispatcher in the application's web.config file. For 32-bit installations, this file installs to %ProgramFiles%\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer\binAnyCPU\SEE\WAS. For 64-bit installations, this file installs to %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer\binAnyCPU\SEE\WAS.

To configure the SEP endpoint, edit the entries in the web.config file's <appsettings> section. For example:
<add key="Default.sep" value="net.tcp://localhost/MicroFocus/SEE/SEP.svc" />
Note: In a cluster, the version of web.config with the SEP endpoint settings needs to be installed on all machines that use the SEP.