Configuring the Dispatcher Endpoint for the Monitor

You can configure the dispatcher endpoint used by an event monitor in the seemonitor.exe.config file. For 32-bit installations, this file installs to %ProgramFiles%\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer\binAnyCPU\SEE\WAS. For 64-bit installations, this file installs to %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer\binAnyCPU\SEE\WAS.

By default, the event monitor routes all dispatcher requests to the dispatcher running on the local machine. However, when a system is scaled out it may be more appropriate to route dispatcher requests to a dispatcher, or network load balancer, running on another machine. To do this, edit the seemonitor.exe.config file and specify the following key in the <MicroFocus.SEE.Monitor>.<services> section:
<add key="Default.dispatcher" value="net.tcp://localhost/MicroFocus/SEE.Dispatcher/DispatchSession.svc"/>
where localhost should be replaced by the name of the machine running the dispatcher.