This topic lists environment variables relate to configuring the JCL environment.
Variable | Description |
CASRDO44_NEWSUB | Enables access to JCL files held on the local machine on which the browser is running.
CASSPOOL_LOCK_RETRY_COUNT | If errors are experienced by the spool module, the number of times it retries to obtain a record lock can be adjusted using
this environment variable. The default value is 20.
ES_ALLOC_EXPAND | The default value is Y, which expands an environment variable when used to specify an allocation path. Set to N to override
this behavior, which is to not expand the variable used in the path.
ES_ALLOC_OVERRIDE | The location of a file containing rules that determine where new data sets are created. This applies only to JES and batch
files, and not CICS, IMS, or Web services files.
ES_ALLOC_OVERRIDE=rules-file |
ES_CAT_RETRY_COUNT | Determines the amount of attempts made to open a catalog file that has produced an error when the initial attempt to open
it was made.
Determines the amount of time (in seconds) to wait between attempts made to open a catalog file that has produced an error when the initial attempt to open it was made. ES_CAT_RETRY_WAIT=n Default is ES_CAT_RETRY_WAIT=0. |
The status of the system messages spool files (JESYSMSG) is set to Output, rather than Out Hold.
ES_JESYSMSG_RESTRICTED | When the status of the system message spool files are set to Output, by using ES_JESYSMSG_OUTPUT, you can hold back spool
files based on their class, by using ES_JESYSMSG_RESTRICTED.
ES_JESYSMSG_RESTRICTED=class-name/number To specify multiple class names or numbers, enter them as a string; for example, ABC123 for classes A, B, C, 1, 2, & 3. |
ES_JES_BYTES | Maximum number of bytes to output in a job before taking the action specified (either cancelling the job, cancelling the job
and dumping memory contents, or issuing a warning message).
ES_JES_BYTES=num-bytes |
ES_JES_CARDS | Maximum number of cards to output in a job before taking the action specified (either cancelling the job, cancelling the job
and dumping memory contents, or issuing a warning message).
ES_JES_CARDS=num-cards |
ES_JES_DISABLE_RESTART_FLUSH | Indicates whether a region's jobs are moved from the Active queue to the Complete queue when a region is restarted.
ES_JES_LEVEL | Sets the default JCL type.
ES_JES_LINES | Maximum number of lines to output in a job before taking the action specified (either cancelling the job, cancelling the job
and dumping memory contents, or issuing a warning message).
ES_JES_LINES=num-lines |
ES_JES_OUTLIM | Maximum number of lines to output to a particular data set before calling the user exit, processing any global limits, and
then cancelling the job.
ES_JES_OUTLIM=num-lines |
ES_JES_PAGES | Maximum number of pages to output in a job before taking the action specified (either cancelling the job, cancelling the job
and dumping memory contents, or issuing a warning message).
ES_JES_PAGES=num-pages |
ES_JES_PARM_INIT_LOW | When set to Y, the parameter string passed to a program executed by JCL is initialized to low-values. The default is N, which
is to initialize it to spaces.
ES_JES_RESTART | Enables JCL restart processing.
ES_JES_SORT_SPOOL_BY | Specifies which column is initially used to sort the spool records in casrdo41.
ES_JES_SORT_SPOOL_BY=JOBNAME|SUBDATE|JOBUSER Note: If any other value is specified, then the spool records are sorted based on the JOBNUMBER (JOBID).
ES_JES_SPOOL_ORDER | The order in which the spool list is displayed when you first open ESMAC.
ES_OPEN_CAT_ON_DEMAND | Determines if additional catalogs (as specified using MFUSERCAT_NODE) are opened when the system starts, or only opened when
ES_PL1_MFFH_JCL | Enables you to run Open PL/I programs that access JCL data definitions. The default value is N.
ES_PROG_PATH | Set ES_PROG_PATH=Y to display the program's load path in the JESYSMSG and SYSLOG datasets.
Note: This is only applicable for native enterprise server regions.
ES_OLD_DYN_PDS | Determines the resulting behavior of dynamic PDS members when specified in a JCL DD statement.
Set to Y to enable previous default behavior of creating the physical files and cataloging PDS members when specified in
a JCL DD statement. Set to N (the default), the physical files are only created and cataloged when using a JCL utility or
user program.
ES_OLD_DYN_PDS=Y|N Default is N. |
ES_SAM_ESDS | Under VSE, when this is set to Y, opening an OUTPUT of a reusable ESDS file resets the file when the DISP is not specified
in the DLBL statement.
ES_SSTM_CICS | Location of the JCL used to initialize the SSTM CICS environment.
ES_SSTM_CICS=file-location |
ES_SSTM_IMS | Location of the JCL used to initialize the SSTM IMS environment.
ES_SSTM_IMS=file-location |
ES_SSTM_JOB_FLUSH_ACTIVE | By default, this is set to N.
When set to Y, causes a CICS SSTM job to be removed from the Active queue when the region shuts down. |
ES_SYSOUT_HOLD | Sysout held classes.
ES_USR_DFLT_JES | Allows you to override the default user when no user is logged on for JES authentication.
JES_PRINT_SPOOL_MSG | Specifies the disposition of the spool data set printing message (JES000029I).
Note: This environment variable is introduced for high print load users, where print messages to the console impact system performance.
MFALLOC_PCFILE | When set to Y, which is the default, it will cause a catalogued file to be created if DSORG=PS is provided in the DCB parameters.
MF_ALIAS | Specifies program aliases. Each set (pair) is 16 characters long - 8 characters for the program-name, and 8 characters for
the alias. You can specify up to 10 pairs. This list is searched first and thus can potentially override the built-in list.
If not found, the built-in alias table is searched.
An entry shorter than 8 characters must have trailing spaces extending its length to 8 characters. MF_ALIAS=program-name1 alias1 [program-name2 alias2] ...[program-name10 alias10] |
MF_CHARSET | Specifies which character set an enterprise server is to use.
MF_CHARSET=A|E|ASCII|EBCDIC The default value is ASCII. |
MF_DUPJOBS | Enables jobs with identical names to run.
MF_DUPJOBS=Y|N The default value is N. |
MF_FALLTHRUCHECK | Specifies that MSS is to check that the main COBOL program ends by executing a GOBACK or STOP RUN.
MF_FALLTHRUCHECK=Y|N The default value is Y. |
MF_JESPWR_EXIT | Used to pass JES2 and VSE PWR statements to the user exit MFJESPWR. If this environment variable is set, the JCL execution
engine will call the exit program, MFJESPWR, whenever a JES2 or VSE PWR statement is encountered. It passes the contents of
the JCL record plus Job and Job Step information. A sample MFJESPWR.cbl is included with the product.
MF_JESPWR_EXIT= Y|N The default value is N. |
MF_JCL_AUDIT | Specifies that the audit log records audit information when a catalog entry is deleted.
The default is that this is not set. |
MF_MFA | Specifies what data set catalogs are to be searched.
The default behavior of this product is to not check COND CODES from steps prior to a restart step. This means that the steps after the restart step that have conditions that refer to any steps prior to the restart step might run. Micro Focus recommends that you review and test the behavior before restarting the jobs. Set this variable to Y to prevent steps after a restart step that have conditions that refer to any steps prior to the restart from running. MFJ_ALL_STEP_CHECK=N|Y |
MFJ_REPRO_EMPTY | Enables or disables the ability for the IDCAMS REPRO action to copy from a pristine VSAM file.
MFJ_REPRO_EMPTY=Y|N When set to Y, the resulting file will be empty. The default value is N, which will produce a JCLAM0150S error when attempted. |
Specifies which sort engine the utility MFJSORT is to emulate. MFJSENGINE=DFSORT|SYNCSORT The default value is DFSORT. |
Sets the number at which a job starts and finishes.
MF_MVSJOB=<lower value>{-|+}<upper value>Where:
For example:
set MF_MVSJOB=0000010+0000100This resets the values to start with job number 10 and run through to job number 100. When the upper limit has been reached you receive a message: All job numbers in the range 0000010:0000100 are in useAt this point you need to remove some jobs from the spool - you can use the spool housekeeping functions to do this. This environment variable can be used to enable a 7-digit Job number limit. If the <upper value> mentioned is greater than 99999, then 6+ digit job number support is enabled. The maximum value that can be set is 9999999. Tip: To revert to 5-digit job number support, set MF_MVSJOB=<low number>+<high number>, where
high number is less than 0099999, and ensuring that the + sign is used to separate the low and high values.
If a value set using this variable is not valid, the default values of <0001000>{-|+}<0099999> are set. |
MF_NODD | Specifies what action MSS is to take at run time if a job step uses a file that has not been allocated.
When an MVS data set is renamed, the associated physical file is normally renamed only if it is in the Default Allocation data set location. MF_PCRENAME_LAX=Y|N|D
MF_RCCF | Enables Remote Job Step Execution (RJSE).
MF_SMS | Enables support for SMS data classes. SMS is IBM's Storage Management Subsystem. MSS provides emulation for SMS data classes
only. To enable DATACLAS support this variable needs to be set ON in addition to setting MFUSERCAT_NODE=SYSMFE1.
MF_SMS=ON|OFF The default value is OFF. |
MF_SPOOL_HK_TESTDATE | Overrides the normal date for the spool housekeeping.
MF_UCC11 |
Note: This environment variable works independently of the JCL RESTART parameter.
Enables emulation of UCC11, a third party add-on to the mainframe that affects data set disposition processing.
MF_UCC11_DYNCLEAN | When UCC11 emulation is enabled, MF_UCC11=Y or YA, set this environment variable in order to control whether dynamically allocated
datasets (such as using SVC99) are cleaned when a job is restarted.
MF_USESCA7 | Specifies that MSS accepts CA7 Scheduler control statements as comments rather than diagnosing them as errors. CA7 Scheduler
control statements begin with # in column 1.
MF_USESCA7=ON|OFF The default value is OFF. |
MFJ_INPUTDS_ERROR | When set to N, will cause IEBDG, IEBGENER, IEBCOMPR, and DFSORT and ICETOOL emulation to treat missing input files as though
they were present but empty.
MFJ_INPUTDS_ERROR=Y|N The default value is Y. |
MFREXX_CHARSET | Specifies the character set used by the REXX engine when working with hexadecimal strings or performing string comparisons.
MFREXX_CONCAT | Specifies one or more characters to be used for the CONCAT operator in addition to REXX's default, which is "||".
MFREXX_CONCAT=char-spec One or more characters for each operator; each character you specify is used in addition to the default operator. Each additional character must be defined within single or double quotes, or in hexadecimal. Separate multiple characters with a space or a comma. Any error in the specification of the additional characters, including the specification of alphabetic or numeric characters, results in the environment variable being ignored. |
MFREXX_LSEQ_RECSIZE_MAX | Specifies the record length for the REXX EXECIO command when reading or writing a line sequential file that has been cataloged
with a record length of zero.
MFREXX_NOT | Specifies one or more characters to be used for the NOT operator in addition to REXX's default, which is "¬".
MFREXX_OR | One or more characters to be used for the OR operator in addition to REXX's default, which is "|".
MFSYSCAT | The location of the JES system catalog.
MFUSERCAT_BASE_LOC | If an entry in MFUSERCAT_LOC only specifies the file name of a user catalog rather than the full path and file name, use this
environment variable to specify where these catalogs are located.
MFUSERCAT_BASE_LOC=C:\User\catalogsIf multiple user catalog files are in the same location - for example, C:\USERCATALOGS or $$MYFILESHARE - use this environment variable to store that location. Then, you only need to specify the file name of the catalog in MFUSERCAT_LOC. |
MFUSERCAT_LOC | The location of the node(s) set in MFUSERCAT_NODE, separated by semi-colons if more than one is specified.
MFUSERCAT_LOC=file-location(s) This is not set by default. |
MFUSERCAT_NODE | Sets additional SMS, SPOOL and User catalogs. To enable support for the SMS entities DATACLAS and MGMTCLAS, this variable
needs to be set in addition to setting MF_SMS=ON.
MFUSERCAT_NODE=node This is not set by default. |
VSE_STARTUP_CFG | The location of the VSE JCL configuration file.