Your enterprise server region requires an XA resource for each datastore that contains one or more transactional files.
Option | Description |
ID | Unique ID for the XAR |
Name | Unique name for the XAR |
Module | Specify the location of the RM switch module executable file (.dll on Windows or .so on UNIX platforms). This is database specific: esmssql.dll/.so for MSSQL, and ESPGSQLXA.dll/.so for PostgreSQL. Refer to Building RM Switch Modules for more information. |
Open string | DSN=<datastore-dsn>, LOCALTX=T
where <datastore-dsn> is the ODBC data source name of the datastore you are configuring. Note: These are mandatory options required, with the addition of
USRPASS=userid.password if you are using a PostgreSQL database. You can also specify further non-mandatory options, as detailed in
To Define an XA Resource (XAR) for an Enterprise Server Region.
The XA resource should be effectively immediately.
You can now proceed to configuring your CICS or batch (JCL) applications to use the file(s) in the datastore.