Customize member MFATSO in the CNTL data set. This is the started task JCL procedure for Mainframe Access TSO Command Server. Use the ISPF change command to change HLQ to your qualifier (hlq).
A MFA STC user server MFATSO is started by the MFA TSO Application Server to execute REXX execs or ISPF applications.
Ensure that the ISPF high level qualifier is ISP, unless local naming conventions are different. Similar to a logon procedure, add all required libraries, such as panels, messages, and REXX execs that are necessary to run the user's required ISPF applications.
The initial REXX procedure MFAREXX must be located in the hlq.MFA.EXEC data set. This then calls the REXX procedure IVPINIT1 which is also located in hlq.MFA.EXEC. This REXX exec should be customized by the installation so that it meets your installation requirements. See Optional customization for more information.