The global security server must be configured to contain information about all of the AuthIDs and passwords that it will verify. In the examples, the global security XDB Server is xdbserve.
Before using global security, you must first create a global security location on the global security server. This process involves renaming your SYSTEM location with the name of your global security location. In the examples, the global security location is sysglobal.
To create a global security location:
UPDATE sysibm.syslocations SET location = "global-security-location" WHERE location = "system";
In the examples used in this topic, the SQL command:
UPDATE sysibm.syslocations SET location = "sysglobal" WHERE location = "system";
would have been issued on the XDB Server xdbserve.
UPDATE sysxdb.syslocals SET location = "global-security-location" WHERE location = "system";
In the examples used in this topic, the SQL command:
UPDATE sysxdb.syslocals SET location = "sysglobal" WHERE location = "system";
would have been issued on the XDB Server xdbserve.
In order to verify AuthIDs (usernames) and passwords, there must be values in the appropriate system tables, primarily SYSXDB.SYSACFUSERS, on the global security server.
AuthIDs are created using the SQL Wizard Admin menu (Windows) or the CREATE USER command in Interactive SQL (UNIX). Use this utility to enter AuthIDs and passwords for all users who will be accessing any XDB Server using this global security server.
To implement this topic's examples, create an AuthID Bob on XDBSERVE.