Returns a FIXED BINARY(31,0) value that identifies the condition being handled by an ON-unit.
ONCONDID is short for ON-condition identifier. It returns a FIXED BINARY(31,0) value that identifies the condition being handled by an ON-unit. It is in context in any ON-unit or one of its dynamic descendants. The values returned by the ONCONDID() built-in function when invoked from within an ON-unit are the following:
area = 1 attention = 2 condition = 3 conversion = 4 endfile = 5 endpage = 6 error = 7 finish = 8 fixedoverflow = 9 invalidop = 10 key = 11 name = 12 overflow = 13 record = 14 size = 15 storage = 16 stringrange = 17 stringsize = 18 subscriptrange = 19 transmit = 20 undefinedfile = 21 underflow = 22 zerodivide = 23
If ONCONDID() is used when not in context, a null string is returned.
dcl cond_area fixed bin(31) value(1); dcl cond_error fixed bin(31) value(7); dcl cond_finish fixed bin(31) value(8); on anycondition begin; on error system; select(oncondid()); when(cond_area) do; /* process AREA condition */ end; when(cond_finish) ; when(cond_error) do; /* process ERROR condition */ end; other ; end; end;