Examples of the dbfhconfig Command Line Utility

Attention: This feature is in Early Adopter Product (EAP) release status. We will continue the development of additional features and provide additional interfaces via patch updates and future releases. Please contact Micro Focus SupportLine if you require further clarification.
Note: On UNIX platforms, the command is dbfhconfig32 or dbfhconfig64, depending on your working mode.
Note: For all the following examples, if the name of the configuration file is not specified, the action is performed upon the file specified by the MFDBFH_CONFIG environment variable. If that variable is not set, a file name of MFDBFH.cfg, in the current directory is assumed.

The following command creates a database server instance element for an MSSQL server instance named MYSRV. It creates in the configuration file named MFDBFH.cfg, in the current directory; if the file is not found, a new one is created. It also inserts a comment just prior to the inserted element.

dbfhconfig -add -server:MYSRV -provider:ss -comment:"Local MSSQL Server"

The following command inserts a <dsn> element named SS.VSAM, for the MYSRV instance; the datastore is named VSAM.

dbfhconfig -add -server:MYSRV -dsn:SS.VSAM -type:datastore -name:VSAM

The following command deletes the database server element (and all its child elements) for server MYSRV.

dbfhconfig -delete -server:MYSRV 

The following command deletes the <dsn> element named SS.VSAM that is specified for the MYSRV database instance.

dbfhconfig -delete -server:MYSRV -dsn:SS.VSAM

The following command lists an overview the server instances, and the number of <dsn> elements configured for each.

dbfhconfig -list

The following command lists details of the <dsn> elements configured for the server instance MYSRV.

dbfhconfig -list -server:MYSRV

The following command updates the MYSRV database server element with a comment.

dbfhconfig -update -server:MYSRV -comment:"Dev only server"

The following command updates the existing SS.VSAM <dsn> element with I/O optimizations and a comment.

dbfhconfig -update -server:MYSRV -dsn:SS.VSAM -optio:all -comment:"User files" 

The following command disables vault facility use for the database credentials within the configuration file.

dbfhconfig -novault

The following command enables vault facility use for the database credentials within the configuration file.

dbfhconfig -vault