Create and Configure a Project

Complete the steps required to create an Enterprise Developer project, import the MFDEMO IMS application into the project, set the project properties, and perform additional required steps to enable the application to run in Enterprise Server.

Create the project

  1. Start Enterprise Developer and select the default workspace, which is c:\Users\username\workspace where username is your operating system login ID.
  2. In Eclipse, be sure that the Team Developer perspective is the active Eclipse perspective, and that your Enterprise Development Projects are loaded in the Application Explorer view. See To load projects into the Team Developer perspective for more information.
  3. Right-click Enterprise Development Projects; then select New COBOL Project > Mainframe COBOL Project.

    This starts the COBOL Project wizard.

  4. Type IMSTutorial in the Project Name field.

    The default location for storing new projects is the workspace you selected when you started Enterprise Developer.

  5. Click Finish.

    The IMSTutorial project is created and appears in the Application Explorer view.

Add Folders

For this tutorial, you need to add two folders to your project; one for generated files, and one for system files used by Enterprise Server.

  1. In the Application Explorer view, right-click the IMSTutorial project; then click New > Folder > Folder.
  2. In the Folder name field, type loadlib; then click Finish.
  3. Using the same method, add a folder named system.
Note: The loadlib folder does not appear on the list in the Application Explorer view until you set the output directory to loadlib in the Set Project Properties section of this tutorial. The system folder is used by the project but does not appear on the list in the Application Explorer view.

Set Project Properties

  1. In the Eclipse Application Explorer view, right-click the IMSSupport project; then select Properties
  2. Expand Micro Focus > Build Configurations; then click Link.
  3. In the Output path field, replace NewConfiguration.bin with loadlib, and then click Apply:
  4. In the left pane, expand Micro Focus > Project Settings; then click COBOL
  5. Ensure that the following properties are set as follows:
    Character set ASCII
    COBOL dialect Enterprise COBOL for z/OS
    Source Format Fixed
    Compile for debugging Yes
  6. If you made any property changes, click Apply.
  7. In the left pane under Project Settings, click IMS.
  8. Type loadlib into the Generated files field.
  9. In the IMS Database field in the right pane, type the full path to the loadlib project subdirectory, or use Browse to select it.
    Note: The Generated files setting is relative to the current project, but the IMS Database setting must be an absolute path.
  10. Click Apply.
  11. Expand Micro Focus > Project Settings > IMS; then click DBD Settings.
  12. Ensure that Generate map is set to Yes, and click Apply if you made a change.
  13. In the left pane, click MFS Settings
  14. Type loadlib into the MFS output field; then click Apply and Close to save all changes to the project properties.

Import demonstration application files

  1. In the Application Explorer view, select your project; then click File > Import > General > File System.
  2. Click Next.
  3. Browse to the %PUBLIC%\Documents\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer\Samples\Mainframe\IMS\Classic\IVP or IVP64 (for 64-bit) directory (default location).
  4. Select the following files to add; then click Finish.
    • DEMO001T.CBL
    • DEMO001T.PSB
    • DEMO03DD.DBD
    • DEMO03DD.DBU
    • DEMO90.MFS
    • DEMO91.MFS
    • DEMO92.MFS

    This creates copies of the files in the project directory.

    Because Eclipse is configured to build the project automatically, adding the files triggers a build. Build output files are created in the loadlib folder, and include:

    • DEMO001T.ACB
    • DEMO03DD.ACB
    • The MFS files generation creates some .mid, .mod, .dif and .dof files. These files contain system configuration data. You should move them only if you know how to configure your enterprise server.
    • Building the DBD and the PSB files produces respectively dbdgen2.dat, dbdgen2f.dat, psbgen3.dat as well as some .acb files.