Demonstration Application

Restriction: This topic applies to Windows environments (local development) only.

Enterprise Developer provides one JDBC sample application – Getting Started with JDBC. You can run the sample from the Visual COBOL Samples Browser. See To start the Samples Browser for instructions.

The JDBC sample is listed on the Show managed only list in the Visual COBOL Samples Browser.

The source files are located in %PUBLIC%\Documents\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer\SamplesEclipse\jvm_cobol by default.

The sample application comes with a Readme file to explain how to use the application.

Before you can use the demonstration application, you need to set up a data source to use by the demonstration.

This demonstration application produces a console log displaying its progress and, possibly, query results. It terminates on receipt of an error after displaying an error message.

OESQL - Getting Started with JDBC
Introduces using OpenESQL with JDBC, and shows how to connect to a database using either Connection Strings or Data Sources. To use Connection Strings you will need to add only your JDBC driver to the build or classpath. To use data sources you will need a JNDI implementation, such as Simple-JNDI, along with configuration files to define the data sources. See the JDBC topic within your product documentation for further information.