Tutorial: CICS Web Service Provider from WSDL, Bottom-up Method

Provides instructions that walk you through the process of exposing an existing CICS COBOL application as a Web service described by WSDL. The resulting Web service uses the SOAP protocol.
Restriction: This topic applies to Windows environments (local development) only.

In this tutorial, you use the bottom-up method to expose an existing CICS COBOL application, LOANPAYM, as a Web service. The LOANPAYM application accepts a principal amount, a loan term, and a rate as input values; then returns the calculated monthly loan payment.


Review the Assumptions and Before you begin a CICS Web services tutorial sections in the Tutorials: CICS Web Services topic to be sure you have your environment configured properly.


To complete this tutorial, progress through these topics in the order presented here. The bottom of each topic provides Next topic and Previous topic navigational links to help you proceed in the proper sequence: