casout {/res-name|/sprototype:host:port|/lservername}
The /r, /s and /l options are alternatives and are mutually exclusive.
On UNIX you can use a dash (-) before a parameter as an alternative to a forward slash (/).
where nnnnnn is a generated number set initially to 000001, and incremented by 1 with the creation of each subsequent listener.
Depending on what options are used, checks are also performed to ensure that the user has access to a particular job - such as for restarting, modifying, or viewing datasets.
The corresponding rules are under the JESSPOOL class. When trying to retrieve a dataset, additional checks are made for the particular dataset being accessed. This is also under the JESSPOOL class.
Starting an initiator for classes EFG on Enterprise Server JCLT:
casout /rJCLT /iEFG
Start a batch printer using the physical device "TestPrinter" for classes EFG on Enterprise Server JCLT:
casout /rJCLT /bEFG /n"TestPrinter"
Start a batch printer as in the previous example, but this time associate it with a printer exit (sampprnx):
casout /rJCLT /bEFG /n"TestPrinter" /xsampprnx
Start an IMS Message Processing Region for specified message classes:
casout /rJCLTT /q001
List standard and transient SEPs on Enterprise Server MYREG:
casout /rMYREG /#
Example list of returned standard and transient SEPs:
PID TYPE TRAN --------- --------- ------ 14076 SEP 26180 SEP 12412 SEP 916 SEP 26064 SEP CEBR 22058 Transient CSKL
Start a listener connected to the Queue Manager named CSQ1 listening on the IMSMQ.OQ queue with a listener name of BANKBRDG on Enterprise Server BANKDEMO:
Stop the BANKBRDG listener on Enterprise Server BANKDEMO:
show all the listeners/writers, as shown in ESMAC, including the above-created listener
When running casout from a command line, get the return code by running the following command:
echo $?
Code | Description |
0 | Successful completion |
Code | Description |
5 | The job is actively processing, requeued |
8 | The job is not in the Output Hold status, or does not exist |
8 | The job is in the Output Hold status, requeued |
8 | The job is not in the Input Hold queue or does not exist for Release command |
16 | The job does not exist for Class command |
99 | You have attempted to invoke a sub-command that is not yet implemented |
Code | Description |
4 | Job flushed |
16 | Job not flushed - see secondary error code returned in message |
Code | Description |
< 9 | The job's log was retrieved |
1 | Job is in the Input Hold Queue |
2 | Job is being parsed for syntax |
3 | Job is in the Input Queue |
4 | Job is moving from Input Queue to "Actively processing" |
5 | Job is being processed |
7 | Job is complete and is in the Held Output status |
8 | Job is in the Complete queue, with an Output status |
16 | Invalid job number - you have attempted to retrieve sysout data for a non-existent job |
16 | Invalid job number or DD for job, retrieval request ignored |
Code | Description |
16 | The job does not exist for restart |
32 | Restart processing is not turned on. You must set the ES_JES_RESTART environment variable in order to enable restart processing. |
Code | Description |
16 | The job is not active. Kill request ignored. |
Code | Description |
8 | SEP is not an initiator, printer, or IMS MPR |
Code | Description |
99 | JES/IMS support is not enabled for the region, request rejected |
Code | Description |
199 | User specified is either not authorized to work with JCL or their password is not correct. Provide valid credentials. |
Code | Description |
15 | Cannot connect to region. This might be because the region is not started, or the IP address or port are wrong. |