call 'MFJCTLBP' using ctlb-function ctlb-retcode [ctlb-exec-area|ctlb-dd-area]
To specify a data structure in the Working Storage section that includes mfjctlbc copybook fields:
WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. copy 'mfjctlbc.cpy' replacing ==(TAG)== by ==ctlb==.
Call MFJCTLBP: call 'MFJCTLBP' using ctlb-function ctlb-retcode ctlb-dd-area
This section describes the functions you can use with the Control Block API.
The COBOL copybook mfjctlbp.cpy contains declarations of the list of functions that you can use to populate the function field (ctlb-function) when calling the API:
01 ctlb-function pic 9(08) comp. 88 ctlb-func-ctl-begin value 01. 88 ctlb-func-ctl-end value 02. 88 ctlb-func-get-exec value 10. 88 ctlb-func-get-dd value 20. 88 ctlb-func-get-dd-concat value 21. 88 ctlb-func-get-dd-first value 30. 88 ctlb-func-get-dd-next value 31. 88 ctlb-func-get-dd-end value 32. 88 ctlb-func-alloc-dd value 40. 88 ctlb-func-dealloc-dd value 41. 88 ctlb-func-delete-dd value 42. 88 ctlb-func-concat-add-first value 50. 88 ctlb-func-concat-add-next value 51. 88 ctlb-func-concat-alloc value 52.
The following is a list of the function names and their corresponding codes and descriptions:
Function name | Function code | Description |
ctlb-func-ctl-begin | 01 | Lock ES NSM for SSTM CICS. |
ctlb-func-ctl-end | 02 | Unlock ES NSM for SSTM CICS. |
ctlb-func-get-exec | 10 | Retrieves job information including job name, job number, userid, step/proc information, job class, MSGCLASS, programmer name, jes system. This function also retrieves the JCL exec information including program name, program alias name, return code, parm information. |
ctlb-func-get-dd | 20 | Enables the user to retrieve the DD information including DDname, DSname, PDS member, PCname, DDnumber, DISP, GDG bias number, DS type, BLKSIZE, DSORG, LRECL, RECFM, CHARSET, DATACLAS, MGMTCLAS, STORCLAS, an so on. |
ctlb-func-get-dd-concat | 21 | Retrieves DD information of the next concatenated DD. |
ctlb-func-get-dd-first | 30 | Retrieves DD information of the first DD record. |
ctlb-func-get-dd-next | 31 | Returns DD information of the next DD record. |
ctlb-func-get-dd-end | 32 | This function is used when you have finished processing the DD information. It enables the API to recover the memory allocated to hold the DD information. |
ctlb-func-alloc-dd | 40 | This function adds and allocates resources for a specific DD. |
ctlb-func-dealloc-dd | 41 | This function deallocates resources for a specific DD. |
ctlb-func-delete-dd | 42 | This function removes the DD records associated with ddname. |
ctlb-func-concat-add-first | 50 | This function adds the first concatenated DD. |
ctlb-func-concat-add-next | 51 | This function adds the subsequent concatenated DD. |
ctlb-func-concat-alloc | 52 | This function allocates resources for the concatenated DD. |