Displaying a Directory List

You can display a directory list of the files or members of the mainframe system catalog, a partitioned data set or source code control system. You can optionally specify a control file containing one or more commands that enable MFDAS to run them as a batch. To do this, place the commands in a control file with any name, without the preceding MFDAS parameter, then run MFDAS with the parameter @filename, where filename is the name of the control file.

The PREFIX parameter indicates that you require only the members that begin with the specified characters to be displayed. This is equivalent to using the FILTER parameter of the specified characters followed by an asterisk (*).

The FILTER parameter can be used to specify a specific mainframe member name, or can included special filter characters to enable multiple members to be displayed based on the special filter characters that you specify. These special filter characters are:

Any characters can follow.
Any character in this position.
The character in this position must be non-blank.
The character in this position must be blank.
The character in this position must be non-numeric.
The character in this position must be numeric.


The following is an example of the directory list command:


To list the extended attributes for data sets based upon a catalog search criteria:

catalogsearchcriteria ALL

Below is an example of the command and its output:

Name=MFI01.COMMS.TEST.SYNC.CNTL                  ,Volume=TEMP0K,DSORG=BPAM,RECFM=FB,BLKSIZE=3120,RECL=80,Average RECL=0,Max RECL=0,Key Position=0,Key length=0,Reuse=48,Volume type=CYL,Last backup=????,ENTYPE=A,DEVICE=3390  ,DSCRDT2=2017/06/29,REFDATE=2021/07/12,DSTYPE=88,PQUANT=135,SQUANT=10,TQUANT=158,EXTENTS=4,ACCESS=N

Name=MFI01.COMMS.TEST.SYNC.CNTL.REL              ,Volume=TEMP1L,DSORG=QSAM,RECFM=FB,BLKSIZE=3120,RECL=80,Average RECL=0,Max RECL=0,Key Position=0,Key length=0,Reuse=48,Volume type=CYL,Last backup=????,ENTYPE=A,DEVICE=3390  ,DSCRDT2=2014/02/10,REFDATE=2020/04/02,DSTYPE=80,PQUANT=1,SQUANT=10,TQUANT=1,EXTENTS=1,ACCESS=N

Name=MFI01.COMMS.TEST.SYNC.CNTL.UNL              ,Volume=TEMP1I,DSORG=QSAM,RECFM=FB,BLKSIZE=3120,RECL=80,Average RECL=0,Max RECL=0,Key Position=0,Key length=0,Reuse=48,Volume type=CYL,Last backup=????,ENTYPE=A,DEVICE=3390  ,DSCRDT2=2013/10/11,REFDATE=2020/04/02,DSTYPE=80,PQUANT=1,SQUANT=10,TQUANT=1,EXTENTS=1,ACCESS=N