Tutorial: Create the HCO_Test Database

Provides instructions that walk you through the process of creating the HCO_Test SQL Server database from a provided SQL script.

Both HCOSS Application Migration tutorials require that you have access to the HCO_Test SQL Server database that contains data migrated from an IBMSYS schema in a DB2 database. To make this easy for you, we have provided a script that creates and populates the database for you.

  1. Using UNIX terminal, navigate to the $COBDIR/demo/sql/hcoss directory.

    This directory contains the CreateAndLoadHCO_Test.sql SQL script used to create the test database.

  2. Execute the following command to create the database:
    > sqlcmd -S ServerName -U UserId -P Password -I CreateAndLoadHCO_Test.sql. 
  3. Execute the following three HCOSS scripts against the newly created HCO_Test database:
    • InstallSYSIBM.sql
    • InstallBindProcs.sql
    • InstallDigitsFunction.sql
    Note: For more information about these scripts, see Before Using HCO for SQL Server.