Local Master Configuration

If you do not want users to have a mainframe connection when working with the Workflow Manager, then you can use a local master configuration file or default configuration.

In a Windows environment a local master configuration file can be located in the Eclipse root folder with the name MasterConfig.xml or MasterConfig.txt depending on its format. If the suffix is .xml a XML formatted file is expected. If the suffix is .txt a keyword-based file is expected. See Master configuration syntax for more information.

A local master configuration file can also be returned by a local operating system command. This is the way a local master configuration is provided in a Linux environment. It is described in more details under Master Configuration.

If a local master configuration is provided in either way, a local system reference can be created in the Application Explorer view:

  1. Right-click in the Application Explorer view, and then click Add System.

    This opens the Add System(s) dialog box.

  2. Click Local System.
  3. Click OK.

Expand the local system reference to view all the applications defined in the local master configuration file.

If any application of a local system reference contains mainframe-dependent actions, or the model of one of the applications is stored on the mainframe, you must add the mainframe connection to the local system reference, right-click the local system reference, and then click Associate Remote System:

Associating a remote system to a local system reference

After you have associated the remote system, the label of the local system reference changes and the Properties view displays properties of the selected remote system. The context menu now displays the Remove Associated Remote System command. A local system reference with an associated remote system acts like a remote system reference, except the local master configuration is not provided via the mainframe.

Master configuration syntax

The master configuration can be specified in one of two supported formats, flat format or XML. Both formats use the same tags respectively keywords. The table below lists all available tags respectively keywords and their descriptions.

The XML format is currently only supported by local system references, meaning that master configuration files located on the mainframe must be specified in flat format.

The flat format master configuration consists of lines with keywords, together with their respective values. The keywords are separated from the values by a colon and at least one space.

For example, a row in the master configuration file might look like this:

System: System_name

Lines beginning with an asterisk (*) are interpreted as comments.

Flat format XML format Description
System <System> Name and identifier of the remote system as it is displayed in the tree view. It is used as a unique identifier for caching application data, therefore, Micro Focus strongly recommends that you do not change the name in a production system.
Appl <Appl> Name and identifier of the modeled application as it is displayed in the tree view.
Conf <Appl conf="…"/> Platform, path, and name of the model file.

Supported platforms are: local, mvs, uss, url.

Version <Appl version="…"/> Version of the model file.
INFO <Appl info="…"/> Optional. Information about the data that is deleted for consistency in the Eclipse workspace when loading a new version of the model.
User <Appl user="…"/> Limits the corresponding application(s) to one or more RACF users. Multiple users can be separated with spaces.
Property: <Property ID>=<Value> <Property propertyID="…" value="…"/> Static property values for an application.
EndUser Not required End of a user limitation.
EndAppl </Appl> End of an application description.
Parmfile Not required Optional, this is the name of the remote parameter file that is used to transfer long parameters between the client and the remote system when executing remote commands. The name can contain property references.

If the parmfile option is not specified, the standard name of the parameter file is <userid>.TAURUS.PARMFILE.

Any number of modeled applications can be listed for a system. The master configuration file must have at least one application defined.

The Conf entry consists of the specification of the platform together with the platform-dependent fully-qualified or absolute file name. Permitted platform designations are local, url, uss, and mvs.

Examples of correct Conf data:
  • mvs:'hlq.MODEL.XML(MYAPPL)'
  • url:myrepository:443/artifactory/awm-models/myAppl.xml
  • conf="url:#myrepository:443/artifactory/awm-models/myAppl.xml"

If the model is located in the local file system, on a server or on a network drive, it must be accessible by the user without the specification of user credentials. The model must be encoded with the code page specified in the XML header of the model which is UTF-8 by default.

The INFO entry determines which persistent information held in the Eclipse workspace have to be deleted in the case of a version change of the modeled application. Permitted information are filters and elements. The information can be combined in any way.

INFO entry Deleted files Content of the files
filters ft_filters.xml All filters in the application.
elements et_elements.xml




All cached elements that are assigned to the application and all element lists in the application.

For example, a master configuration file in XML format:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<System name="My Local System">
<Appl name="My Application" conf="local:C:\Models\MyApplication.model" version="1.0" info="">
<Property propertyID="PROP_UserRole" value="ADMIN" />
<Property propertyID="PROP_Environment" value="TEST" />
<Appl name="SCLM Application" conf="MVS:HLQ.APPLS.MODELS(SCLMPROD)"
version="2.1" info="" />

For example, a master configuration file in flat format:

System: My System
* application name
Appl : PDS Explorer
* location of the application configuration file
Conf : mvs:'hlq.ZSERVER.XML(PDSECONF)'
* application version number
Version: 1.1
* process information

Master configuration from OS command 

A local master configuration can be returned dynamically by an operating system command. The command which could, for example, execute a script file to return the configuration must be specified with the teamdeveloper.masterconfig Java system variable. See Setting Java System Variables for more information.

When setting the Java system variable in the eclipse.ini file, you must ensure that the Eclipse instance is stopped and restarted before the change can take effect.

The value of the variable must contain an operating system command, which returns a complete master configuration file, in XML format, to standard out when executed. If the script is a Windows .bat file, it must start with @echo off so that only the master configuration file lines are written to standard out.

For example (Windows):

  • cmd.exe /c type %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%\localmasterconfig.xml
  • cmd.exe /c H:\batfiles\MasterConfiguration.bat