Choosing a TN3270 Mainframe Display

You can specify in the IDE which mainframe display to use by default.

  1. In the IDE, click Window > Preferences.
  2. Expand Micro Focus > Enterprise Server, and click TN3270.
  3. Ensure that Enable display is selected.

    If this is not selected, you can still execute your application but no display is available when you run or debug the application.

  4. Select one of the following options to select the TN3270 display to use:
    • Host Access for the Cloud[1] - when selected, an HACloud session is used to run or debug applications. Use the following options to configure the session:
    • Rumba (Embedded version) - when selected, an embedded Rumba Mainframe view is used within the IDE when you run or debug your application. Use the following options to further configure the embedded option:
      • Connect automatically - when selected, a connection is established immediately after the connection details are specified. When not selected, use the Connect option once the Rumba Mainframe Display view is open.
      • Use multiple views - when selected, a view is opened for each connection. When not selected, there is only one view, and you must use the Show Terminal option to select which active connection to display in it.
      • Show warning dialog for PF keys context - when selected, a dialog box is displayed if a function key is pressed whilst a connection is established. If you select Don't show this dialog again on the dialog box, this option is no longer selected.
      • Embedded TN3270 TLS/SSL Security - if you are connecting to secure servers (that is, servers with TLS/SSL enabled), click Open Folder to view the location in which the appropriate CA certificates must be located. For more information, see Connecting to secure servers.
      • Import or Export existing Embedded TN3270 Connections - to re-use connection details, click Import Connections and select a previously exported .xml file to add those connection details to your terminal list (Rumba Mainframe Display view, Show Terminal), or click Export Connections to export the current connections in the Show Terminal list to an .xml file, for importing at a later date or on another machine. For more information, see Importing and exporting connections.
    • Other - select this to use a TN3270 mainframe emulator other than Rumba.
  5. Click Apply and Close.