Converting Net Express projects to Eclipse projects


The Import and Convert NetExpress Projects wizard enables you to convert existing Net Express projects into Eclipse projects so you can use them with Enterprise Developer. The wizard analyzes the Net Express project file and its configuration setting. It then creates the required Eclipse projects, imports the source files into them and sets the required project and file properties from the original Net Express project for one of its build types.

  • Net Express projects can have different types of build, each one of which could include different files and different project and file-level settings. Eclipse projects only support one set of file settings that are used for all build configurations. Because of this, the Import and Convert NetExpress Projects wizard only imports the files and settings for one build type of a Net Express project at a time. This build type is used as the default build configuration for the new Eclipse project. If the project includes more than one build type, you need to repeat the import process to create Eclipse projects that have the set of files and settings for the other build types.
  • An Eclipse project can have only one target type per build configuration, so if the Net Express project builds into more than one target types, the wizard suggests to create multiple Eclipse projects.
  • The wizard creates a single Eclipse project for all the .int and .gnt targets produced by the Net Express project, and the Target Type for this Eclipse project is set as All Int/Gnt Files.
The properties that are set during the import include:
  • the type of application that is being built, such as a console application or a library
  • the paths for copybooks that aren't in known locations such as the project directory, and the cpylib folder in the installation
  • the Compiler directives and build settings
  • how the application starts, such as any command line arguments

If the Net Express project builds more than one type of target, the wizard suggests the creation of multiple Eclipse projects.

Tip: If you have any questions or comments about the Import and Convert NetExpress Projects wizard or upgrading to Enterprise Developer, please use the Micro Focus Community pages ( to get in touch with us and other Enterprise Developer users.

To import a Net Express project into Eclipse

  1. Ensure that your Net Express project and all relevant files are available and in one location.
  2. In the Eclipse IDE, click File > Import, expand Micro Focus, click Convert NetExpress Projects, and click Next.
  3. In the Import and Convert NetExpress Projects dialog box, click Browse to navigate to and select the Net Express project you want to convert.

    If your Net Express project built to .int and .gnt files, you can change the target types so that you have just .dll and .exe build configurations. To do this, check Upgrade projects to use executable/library targets.

  4. Click Finish.

    The wizard analyzes the Net Express project and lists the Eclipse projects it will create, which Net Express Type of Build will be used for the new projects, and the file settings that will be used.

    You can change the target type at any time after you have converted the project. If you don't want a project for a particular build target (for example, if you want to use a debug configuration instead of having a separate project for an .int file in the Net Express project), you can choose not to create a project from that target.

  5. For each Eclipse project, verify that the Net Express type of build is the one you want to use as a basis for the new project.
  6. Click OK.

    Depending on the build configurations and the target types of the Net Express project, the wizard creates one or more Eclipse projects and a conversion report file in a new folder, eclipse, in the same directory as the Net Express project folder. The source files of the Net Express project are not copied into the eclipse folder. They are stored in the Net Express folder and are linked to from the Eclipse projects.

If your Net Express project uses resource files, you should move the files from the MainProjectSource group in COBOL Explorer to the relevant new Enterprise Developer project folder.

Note: Resource files provide a way of adding non-executable binary data such as bitmaps, cursors and menus to an executable file. Within these files the data can be stored in full, or indirectly as a pointer to another named file that contains the actual data. Resource files have the extension .rc.

Restrictions and limitations

  • The following Net Express Compiler directives are obsolete and are ignored during the import:
    • 01SHUFFLE
    • 64KPARA
    • 64KSECT
    • AUXOPT
    • CHIP
    • EANIM
    • EDITOR
    • FIXING
    • MASM
    • MODEL
    • PARAS
    • WB2
    • WB3
    • WB
  • The pseudovariables of the following Net Express environment variables are obsolete and are ignored during the import:
    • PATH
    Other pseudovariables are replaced with the closest possible value and any substitutions are reported in the log file.
  • If you import a Net Express project that uses functionality that is not supported in Enterprise Developer, the wizard still produces an Eclipse project. In some cases you might be able to perform additional steps (such as editing source files, installing AddPacks, or reworking parts of the application) in order to successfully compile and run it.

For more on migrating Net Express applications to Enterprise Developer, see Upgrading to Enterprise Developer.